Etac 3B Board

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SKU: R1X8H-5UA49-HTLRA. Categories: , , . Sold By: multiple sellers

A transfer board is intended to bridge shorter gaps when performing seated transfers.

The board s low friction upper surface allows the user to transfer independently or with assistance.

Transfer boards are used when transferring between bed and wheelchair / shower chair, between wheelchair / chair / toilet chair or to and from the car.

Etac 3B-Board is a stable and simple transfer board with a traditional curved shape.

The board can be placed either curve forward or curve backward depending on the transfer situation and surrounding obstacles, eg: the wheel of the wheelchair.

3B-Board s length allows transfer across wider gaps.

Intended Use

* Transfer from bed to wheelchair/shower chair

* Transfer in and out of a car

* Transfer between wheelchair, chair, toilet, shower chair, commode

Width x Length

23 x 77 cm





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